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Awards and Honors

Transline Expedited is awarded with a certificate of recognition to be included as an Elite member of Search the Elite

Transline opens
their first office in
New York
Presented with the honor of being selected to become the only U.S. member/ representative of the World Wide Logistics Network
Transline is voted "Transportation and Logistics Experts of 2014"
by the World Wide Branding Organization
T.E.S and Mr. Seredinsky
are featured in the 2014 spring news letter for the Continental Who's Who
"Cornering the Transportation Market"
Transline has expanded to establish networks in all U.S. airports and seaports
Michael is recognized as the Executive of the Year by the Worldwide Branding Assoc.
Voted Top 101 Industry Experts in Transportation and Logistics
by W.W.P.

T.E.S. has expanded to establish networks in Canada and Mexico
Awarded with the Who's Who Continental Award for the 2013 Transportation and Freight Forwarder of the year
We receive our
FMC License in the U.S.
(Federal Motor Carrier)
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